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How to connect Nextsale with Capterra?

Learn how to connect Nextsale with Capterra to create Social Proof.

Mollie Herbert avatar
Written by Mollie Herbert
Updated over 9 months ago

Capterra, Inc. is an online marketplace vendor serving as an intermediary between buyers and sellers within the software industry. The company assists consumers with selecting the software for their needs. Capterra is a free service that helps businesses find the right software for any business.

Nextsale integration makes it easy to connect Capterra and display reviews on your website pages to build trust and engage visitors.

To connect Nextsale with Capterra, follow the steps below:

1. Sing-up/log in to your Nextsale account, and visit the Integrations tab from the left bar in the dashboard. Search for Capterra and select it.

2. Input your Capterra Company URL, choose the minimum rating value, and click on the "Connect Capterra Reviews" button.

3. After connecting you should see the success message alert on top. Make sure the activation toggle is enabled, then click on the "Save changes" button.

Check the Feed page to see the reviews we imported.


  • Integration is available and working in all versions of Capterra.

  • As soon as you integrate Capterra with Nextsale, we'll pull the last 100 reviews.

  • We sync to fetch new reviews once every 12 hours.

  • It might take a few seconds to sync all your event data to capture on the Feed page.

  • If you don't see any Capterra reviews on the Feed page, check your link for any typo (refer to step #2).

Congratulations! Nextsale is connected with Capterra.

Now, you can display Capterra reviews on your website pages.


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