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Apply tags & filters in a Sales notifications campaign
Apply tags & filters in a Sales notifications campaign

Learn how to modify the output of strings and variables in Sales notifications.

Neo Gurbanli avatar
Written by Neo Gurbanli
Updated over a week ago

What are tags and filters?

Tags are used to include event attributes such as name, country, province, etc.

Filters are simple methods that modify the output of strings and tags on notifications. They are placed within an output tag ######{{ }} and denoted by a pipe character |.

To check or modify the notifications settings, click on the Message section.

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Here, you'll see the pre-defined filters and tags for the notification output:

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In the following example, the tag is the first name of a customer:

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In this example, the circled part is the highlight filter:

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How to include tags?

You can add the tag(s) you want to include by clicking on the options below:

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How to include filters?

To include a filter, simply add a | (pipe) after the name of the tag, then space (optional), and then the filter name. Filters are optional, used to customize the notifications. Example:
######{{ tag_name | filter_name }}

Multiple filters can also be applied to one tag:
######{{ tag_name | filter_1 | filter_2 }}

In the example below, multiple filters - title, link, highlight are included manually to customize the notification. (Find the detailed information about the filters below.)

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List of filters to use in Sales notifications

1. Show random output from one of the provided arguments in case the tag value is empty

Fallback filters:

fallback default defaults

The fallback filter returns one of the provided arguments randomly in case of the tag value is empty.

######{{ tag_name | fallback: value 1, [value 2, ...] }}


input: ######{{ first_name | fallback: Someone, New buyer, A visitor, Lorenzo, John, Maria, Felix }}
output: A random argument

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The fallback ( default and defaults ) filter accepts additional arguments to customize the output.

What are arguments?

Arguments are included by adding a symbol after the name of the filter, then space (optional), and then argument value. To provide multiple arguments just separate them with a comma.

######{{ tag_name | fallback: arg1, arg2, arg3 }}

  • Note: arguments are displayed randomly.

If the argument itself contains any of | (pipe), : (colon), , (comma), { } (curly brackets), then argument must be quoted (single or double quotes).

######{{ tag_name | fallback: "arg|ument," "argument:", "argument)", "{arg}ument", "argument, argument" }}


######{{ tag_name | fallback: 'arg|ument,' 'argument:', 'argument)',

'{arg} {ument', 'argument, argument' }}

The fallback filter has two additional alias (alternatives): default and defaults.

The following examples are the same:
######{{ tag_name | fallback: value }}

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######{{ tag_name | default: value }}

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######{{ tag_name | defaults: value }}

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2. Show output in uppercase

Uppercase filters:
upcase uppercase

Example: consider the first_name value as Trace

input: ######{{ first_name | upcase }}
output: TRACE

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3. Show output in lowercase

Lowercase tags:
downcase lowercase

Example: consider first_name value as Trace

input: ######{{ first_name | downcase }}
output: trace

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4. Capitalize the output

Capitalization tag:

Example: consider the title value as Blue tech sneakers

input: ######{{ title | capitalize }}
output: Blue Tech Sneakers

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5. Show all the first letters of the output in lowercase

Example: consider the title value as Blue Tech Sneakers

input: ######{{ title | capitalize | downcase }}

output: blue tech sneakers

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6. Show only the initial letters of the output

Initial letters tag:

Get the first letter of each word and concat them to format the output text.

Example: consider the title value as Blue Tech Sneakers

input: ######{{ title | initials }}
output: BTS

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7. Show only the first letter of the output

First letter tag:

Example: consider the title value as Blue Tech Sneakers

input: ######{{ title | first_letter }}
output: B

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8. Mask the output

Mask tags:
mask: *, 0, 0

Mask the value. Has 3 arguments and all of the optional.

argument 1: Mask symbol. Must be single character defaults to *
argument 2: Number of the characters that must be left as unmasked at the beginning of the string. Defaults to 0. Must be positive integer
argument 2: Number of the characters that must be left as unmasked at the end of the string. Defaults to 0. Must be a positive integer

Example: consider the title value as Blue Tech Sneakers

input: ######{{ title | mask }}
output: *****************

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Example: consider the title value as Blue Tech Sneakers

input: ######{{ title | mask: *, 3, 2 }}
output: Blu************rs

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Example: consider the title value as Blue Tech Sneakers

input: ######{{ title | mask: ., 0, 2 }}
output: ...............AG

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  • Note: you can also use these filters for customers' names. In the following example,

Consider the first_name value as Justine:

input: ######{{first_name|fallback:Someone | mask: ., 0, 2}}


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  • Note: If the sum of the second and third arguments is bigger than the length of the value the output will be unmasked.

9. Trim the name of the output before an argument

Trim before tag:

The filter shortens the product name. Requires one delimiter argument. Truncates (shortens) the string before the first occurrence of the delimiter.

  • Note: trimming includes the added argument.

Example: considering the title value as Blue Tech Sneakers

input: ######{{ title | trim_before: Tech }}
output: Sneakers

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10. Trim the name of the output after an argument

Trim after tag:

The filter shortens the product name. Requires one delimiter argument. Truncates (shortens) the string after the first occurrence of the delimiter.

  • Note: trimming includes the added argument.

Example: considering the title value as Blue Tech Sneakers

input: ######{{ title | trim_after: Tech }}
output: Blue

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11. Highlight the output

Highlight tag:

Use a highlight filter to highlight the tag or some portion of the string. You can include an optional argument as the background color. Argument value must be valid CSS color.

  • HEX, RGB, and RGBA color codes are supported.


input: ######{{ first_name | highlight }}

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input: ######{{ first_name | highlight: #fff6d3 }}

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input: ######{{ first_name | highlight: 'rgb(255, 230, 230)' }}

Note: RGB color code must be single or double-quoted.

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input: ######{{ first_name | highlight: "rgba(179, 215, 255, 0.3)" }}

Note: RGBA color code must be single or double-quoted.

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  • Note: you can also use filters for title:

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  • Note: you can also use filters for title and first_name at the same time:

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12. Add and customize links on the Sales notifications

You can add random or custom links to Sales notifications alongside highlight filters.

Random link:

Makes the tag output clickable. The Default link address is the value of the tag. But you can provide a custom link address as the first argument of the filter.

The second optional argument is for the target. You can use one of the following values:

Link opens in the same tab:

Link opens in the new tab:


Link opens in the parent frame:


Link opens in the full body of the window:


  • Note: You can replace the position of the first and second arguments. So for example, if you want to open the link with the default address in the tab just include _blank as a first (and single) argument.

Example: consider the title value as Blue Tech Sneakers, and the link value as

input: ######{{ title | link }}
output: a randomly linked document "Blue Tech Sneakers":

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input: ######{{ title | link: }}
output: custom linked document "Blue Tech Sneakers":

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input: ######{{ title | link:, _blank }}

or, ######{{ title | link: _blank, }}
output: linked document - "Blue Tech Sneakers" opens in the new tab:

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input: ######{{ title | link: _blank }}
output: a randomly linked document - "Blue Tech Sneakers" opens in the new tab:

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input: ######{{ title | link: _parent }}

output: a randomly linked document - "Blue Tech Sneakers" in the parent frame:

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input: ######{{ title | link: _top }}

output: a randomly linked document - "Blue Tech Sneakers" opens in the full body of the window:

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What happens if you have a typo in filters or invalid tags?

Typos in any filters:

Typos in any filters will be ignored, and the output will be the original value

input: ######{{title | trimm_after: Tech}}

output: original value

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Invalid tag name within an output:
If the tag name within an output tag ######{{ }} is not valid, then it will be used as a string. The following example is valid.

input: ######{{ invalid tag name }}
output: empty

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  • Note: if you use this kind of invalid tag, then the tag name must be quoted (single or double quotes).

input: ######{{ "invalid tag name" }}
output: invalid tag name

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  • Note: if you use this kind of invalid tags and it contains any of | (pipe), : (colon), , (comma), { and } (curly brackets) symbols, then the tag name must be quoted (single or double quotes)

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